i am glad i am alive / hail to the thief of suffering
and so, eventually, i made my way into the home of one of my friends. actually, it wasnt easy. after failing to muster the courage to stay at friedels while she was out of town i continued to park near her house for some reason. i say "some reason" because i dont know it, and it wasnt smart. traffic in la is bad, and when tiffany got back into town and invited me to come hang out with her and austin i was on the complete opposite side of town and there was no way i would brave the crosstown traffic.
the next day, however, it was on. well the next evening i guess. i spent my couple days of solitude staying busy by walking around various spots in los angeles, seeing some free museums, and doing plenty of driving. boy, can i drive. by now i am pretty much over the whole driving thing though. on wednesday i spent my time getting lost in south pasadena while i foolishly tried to convince myself that i remembered where tiffany lived. i was on the wrong side of downtown.
literally hours later i caved and used the internet to locate me and her neighborhood so that i could path a direct line. as it turned out i wasnt far away, just not very near either. i got to her neighborhood early, the idea being that i would drive in the middle of the day when the traffic was at its lightest. and then i would mill about waiting for her to come home from school. you know, acquaint myself with the neighborhood, meet some locals, maybe drink a 40 on "shore" of the los angeles river. really i just walked up and down a street and then drove around to become lost some more.
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this is an irrational thing. but the way it breaks down, i think, is my unwillingness to be a burden on anyone. my thought process is something like: she is doing homework and busy with school, i am just some random dude that lived with her 10 years ago, i am going to come into the house and just be a lump of coal that she avoids, i will feel uncomfortable and want to leave but then feel unable to express my need to leave and just internalize the uncomfortability, life would be so much easier if i just sat in the back of my truck and never saw another person, etc.
and this thought process is all of about 3 seconds. really, i know that these people i see want to see me and that is why they agree too, but it really is hard to convince myself of this fact. but i knocked on the door. and it was pretty good. we sat and talked for an hour or so, caught up on the last few months and then i took a shower. we chatted more and then it was time to call it a night. everything was really great, it is always nice to see tiffany and know that she is doing well in life. she was a catalyst for me even having a life...and maybe i was something similar for her.
anyway, that was tuesday. on wednesday i left to explore griffith park (which is right in tiffanys backyard). i was here on my first visit, but not to explore, to go on a hike. the exploratory part took me to the stars, specifically to the griffith observatory where i enjoyed some sweeping views of the park and the city all the way to the ocean. it was before this, but also during this, that i admitted los angeles really is a beautiful place. sure the city is too big and spread out,
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i was in the observatory and around griffith park for quite awhile, then i planned to go sit at a cafe and write. you know, as if i were in paris or something. but that wasnt a very easy thing for me to accomplish. instead i just drove around some more and was soon surprised by a new phone call. this was from my friend friedel, i wasnt expecting to hear from her for hours, but it happened she was able to find me early. i called her back, but received no reply. to have something to do i decided to start driving across town towards her house, it would take awhile anyway.
while en route she called me back and disclosed her location: ucla. so i changed my track a bit and headed towards the college to pick her up. i went straight down wilshire boulevard, right through beverly hills and it was getting on 4:pm which is when the commuting hours start. it took me much longer than i wanted to navigate to this college. but it was very nice to see friedel. it had been five years and i had forgotten a fair amount about her. quickly, i remembered. and we fell into catch up and general chat as we drove the slow streets back towards culver city.
and finally we arrived at her house, the same house that i was unable to enter a few days previous. i admitted all of these fears to friedel and she laughed them away, aware of my ridiculousness. we entered through side gate and then met her dog and i was expecting to come into a full bustling house and explain away the fear process that courses through me, but no one else was home. so we sat and chatted more over tea and then she made some dinner and we played some board games. then people started coming home and we played a few more games, chatted about geography and the history of domestication, you know the light things that people talk about in society.
we switched from tea to cocktails as we played a tough visual card game called set. and then it was late. i slept over there that night and in the morning, the mornings in which i wake up ever so early and the people i am visiting so often sleep ever so late, i laid in bed thinking. i was ready to start my day, but it was pretty nice laying there i spent some time thinking about my life and (heavily loaded and full of meaning:) other things. past things. anyway, enough heavy and ill-placed veils.
eventually free also got up and we chatted for the morning and had some tea, then i was off again. my intention was to go sit and write somewhere, but my truck led to pasadena. this time for a purpose.
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every single day (yes, day) since then they have exchanged a gift of some kind of bunny themed object. by 1999 they were listed in the guiness book of world records as the largest bunny collection in the world. at the time they owned just under 9,000 bunny related artifacts. now their home is a full fledged museum...and living space. they share their pasadena residence with 8 cats, 4 live rabbits (and 5 freeze dried ones), a few daily visitors and over 25,000 bunny related artifacts. if i had a word to describe this living situation, the word would certainly be "creepy."
when i got there just before my 2:pm appointment a young asian lady sped past me and walked in through the door. i was meandering on the steps, 1.) because i was early 2.) because i was freaked out, already. when this lady walked right in i spoke into the metal mesh door "should i just come in as well?" i mean, i knew it was someones home and it seems strange to just walk into it...what if they are pooping?
and after i called into this dark room a ladies voice came back at me, affirming that i was her appointment and asking me to wait just a few moments while she gets set up. "getting set up" including putting a sign out on the porch, a visitor information sheet and a donation box. then, as if i had just randomly walked up and not seen her do this little set up, she segued into her spiel.
i listened with rapt attention, awaiting entry into her home. and shortly i was whisked from the porch into the land where bunnies were never neutered. staring at me from all angles were hundreds of bunny figurines, plush dolls, ornaments, all manner of medium...and this was just the foyer. then i was shown the wall of bunnies from different cultures, the pretender wall (other animals or figures dressed as bunnies), and into another room that was floor to ceiling shelves of bunnies and the floor was so encroached that there was only a small area in which i could pirouette and move on to the dining room.
so far this is a very strange experience, candace is a very vibrant red and upbeat about bunnies to the point of sickness. in the dining room - just next to the table where they enjoy their meals - is a glass case with five of their previously living bunny friends now freeze dried for eternity on display. i shuddered. if i were to ever lose a limb, or really any significant body part, i have already decided that i would save it forever. some kind of taxidermy or pickling or just under the pillow as if the appendage fairy would come and leave me five dollars. because, you know, this thing has been a part of me for x number of years and if it cant stay attached to me at least i can keep it close.
still, freeze drying companion animals and displaying them is something that freaks me out. she could tell that i wasnt impressed or even into the idea of dead animals preserved in playful states, so she led me into the next room, by far the creepiest room of them all. this was the tv room.
and it must be intimated that this is her house, she and her husband live here full time, the tv room is where they sit and watch tv. it is a dark hole that once had windows but they have since been covered by stuffed animals in the form of bunny rabbits. all four walls were just stuffed animals staring down at you. i didnt want to spend five minutes in there, let alone sit and watch a movie. from there we moved on to the kitchen where i got to meet some of the living furry friends, and the lady who sped by me when i was coming into this strange place.
the lady was the bunny museums intern, she was organizing the library. unknowingly she had blocked the blind rabbit into a corner and while i was getting the tour candace reprimanded her for not being more aware of the bunny friends needs. we went through the kitchen where every dish, every piece of silverware, and all other things were bunnies. i hope you are starting to get the idea of this home. from the kitchen we emerged to the backyard and the "garden of broken dreams." this garden is where all of the bunnies that have been broken were sent to die. it was overpowered by large lawn decorations with hundreds of smaller ornaments rotting at their feet. there were even some stuffed animals decaying in the sun with their insides strewn about.
it was sad. then i tried to get away but was unfortunate. candace found me again and started regaling me with stories of her acquisitions, the rose parades, the international media and so on. again i tried to sneak away but she wanted to make sure i had a copy of "the hoppy news" and then finally i was able to get away. sitting in my truck, processing what i just went through, i glanced at this newsletter she left me with. it was from january 2002. she told me it wasnt the most recent, but that "it still had a lot of good information." the information it contained were gems like: yesterday candace donated two bunny ornaments to the museum. candace, of course, being the curator of the museum. basically it led me to believe that this museum was set up by someone a bit delusional and the aim was mostly self-serving.
i could be wrong, but i was happy to get out of there. and then all i wanted was a beer.
something that i finally made myself do was quit smoking. and after being at this museum i think i wanted a cigarette, at least i thought about smoking as a good idea while decompressing. after thinking about it for a moment i changed tack and decided that really i just wanted a beer. it had been awhile since i had just sat and drank a beer and enjoyed it. so i drove to the liquor store. there i called tiffany to see if she wanted to get real drunk, but that was a negative. she had to drive up to school soon.
so i bought some beer and sangria and came back to her house. i had a beer and caught up for a little bit, then i went with her to santa clarita. the plan for the evening was to go from her house to her school, then see some dude read poetry, and then drive back into los angeles and go eat some ethiopian food. and, for the most part, this is how it happened.
we left a few hours early - traffic - and got there only an hour early. we went and had some coffee where we promptly ran into two of tiffanys friends from school. tommy and jacoby. very much art school boys. as i generally feel out of place at college when these two guys came up i automatically felt out of place. we were also at starbucks, a place that i have only been a few times in my life and since we had a gift card i wanted to order something with a long name that you see other people with. in the end my anxiety got the best of me and i just ordered a black coffee. their coffee isnt the greatest.
as a means to get away from these two boys we left the coffee shop and drove to the college proper. before tiffany had a meeting she was going to give me a basic tour of the college and then turn me loose in this playground for an hour or so. we walked around and i noted a number of different things that i wanted to explore once i had my opportunity. this list including the walt disney theatre, the school of dance, a few different galleries of art and a number of hallways.
although i am terrified of college students i do love going to art school because there are so many artsy things just around that are basically given up for trash. like well made announcement posters that will be crumbled and tossed aside once their date has come to pass. or walls of art displayed for a month, taken down and never claimed. trash cans full of drawings and paintings that will never make it out of the hallway. i spent some time trying to reclaim some of these things. and i did a pretty good job.
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i did circles for awhile before i decided to just get outside and walk around the building instead of trying to find the original entrance. this strategy worked and i was outside heading towards the creative writing building where i was supposed to meet tiffany to watch the award winning poet d.a. powell read from his new book. i got there first and there was a gaggle of college students, at least one that i had earlier met and i didnt want to thrust myself upon them so i stood back in the shadows and spent a moment recounting my life.
eventually tiffany called me and i was beckoned to the entrance. we sneaked inside (only because we were now late and didnt want to cause a disturbance) and proceeded to watch this poet read his work and talk about his style. i wrote poetry before. at least i wrote short lines of words that had breaks every few lines and called them poems. i do think that some poems are beautiful and evoke amazing thoughts and images...but mostly i just think they are random words thrown together and the artist just hopes that someone will find some meaning similar to whatever they had intended.
this reading lasted a bit more than an hour and the thing that stuck with me the most is that people dont clap or snap anymore after a person reads a poem. there were applause when he wrapped it up first and then after the q & a. then we were gone. this guy won some award recently for being a good poet, but i thought he was just okay. certainly his was better than the poetry i wrote when i was 19.
after this we sped away south on the golden state highway and went to find austin for our date in little ethiopia. we picked up austin and navigated the city streets down to fairfax and an ethipoian restaurant whose name currently escapes me. we went in here and had some fun on the horses and then ordered our various things and
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then the three of us came home and proceeded to go trough some of the art thing that i had attained from my foray into art school and austin busted out the sewing machine for us and put on a sewing workshop. he also sewed onto my jacket this patch i had been carrying around for about five years. it was a gift from a friend in amsterdam, and now i feel better that it is affixed to some article of clothing. and then we just stayed up until about 3:am doing art things and hanging out. it was really awesome.
when tiffany and i lived together in new york - back in the 1990's - we would have a regular "sewing night" where we would make our outfits more punk rock by sewing new patches onto our articles and sharing techniques and stuff. this felt like that. it just felt young and fun. and i was pretty happy for it. now, i have been sitting and writing for the better part of five hours and have employed the grease soundtrack to bring it all home. all i have left is a bunch more writing and the whole of my life. i will hold on.
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