I Live in a Pick-Up Truck

This was a nine month journey of self discovery. I left Portland in May 2009 and returned in February 2010. I used this travel as a tool to regain self-confidence and a good perspective on the world. It worked.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

and the good is still good.

it was just a few days after i set my new high of miles traveled in a day that i broke it. yesterday i left alton, il and drove until the sky was dark with night. i drove until the snow fields gave way to crisp brown fields. i drove almost until i couldnt take it anymore. i drove about 500 miles from alton to little rock arkansas and i am the happier for it.

there was nothing much of note that happened over the seven hour drive. i just sat in the drivers seat and allowed the truck to power me through. a smile grew on my face and blossomed when i finally beat the snow. i was happy when i saw the mississippi flowing again. something that i have to not be happy about is the amount of gas that i burnt through yesterday. i when through almost two tanks of gas and it was the first time that i had filled up twice in one day. the $82 i spent had me wishing that i had gone to south dakota instead.

the second time i filled up, only 40 miles outside of little rock, i took a short break and used the internet to plan where i would get off the expressway for maximum benefit. i needed to do laundry and i was preparing for a cold night so, i wanted to do laundry last night to shorten the time i would be in the truck sleeping. i found a 24 place that was also near a coffee shop that i could visit in the morning. things were looking good. when i got to the laundromat and out of the truck i was hit with a warm surprise.

i had caught up with the weather i had been chasing. it was 8:pm and in the low 40's - sweater weather, my favorite weather. i did the laundry and then drove around for a minute to find a decent place to park the truck. this would be the first time in almost a month that i would be sleeping in the truck and i was nervous/excited. like coming back to an old lover - you know what to expect but it has been so long there is a possibility for surprises. i got in the back and it wasnt cold at all i sat above the covers for awhile, changing into my bedclothes and whatnot.

and then i tucked in and watched a movie in the back there and i was just so happy to be back inside my truck friend. i slept pretty well and was greeting with a warm memory in the morning. and this is a memory that i dont know how many people get to experience, something i have come to relish.

in sleep, i have no idea where i am. i dont recall my dreams very frequently and i would categorize it as just dead sleep. but in the morning, i pop right up ready to start my day. and the memory that i was able to have again was that of waking up in a completely new and strange place...but also a safe place. i knew that as soon as i got out of this truck a whole world that i have never seen before would be awaiting me. the safety and comfort of my familiar truck is a thin veil to the mystery and adventure that awaits me once i open those back doors and greet the day. i love it very much.

and life, thats good too.


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