I Live in a Pick-Up Truck

This was a nine month journey of self discovery. I left Portland in May 2009 and returned in February 2010. I used this travel as a tool to regain self-confidence and a good perspective on the world. It worked.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

macrame as money remix

sweet! so, as i have written already i have been making bracelets and necklaces the past couple of days with the intention of selling them. an intention i have had in the past and have never actualized because i am a big scaredy cat. for real. yesterday was some happening at the square and i didnt set up a display because i was making bracelets specifically for a person. she bought hers so today i had no excuses.
my a frame, and some wares

i had built an a frame the day before and had the set up all in my head. everything was ready, but i needed something to calm me. so, i decided on music. i went and bought some little speakers that run on batteries, that i could plug my ipod into. i got to the square around 9 am. there was an antique show happening, and i tried to talk myself out of it because it wasnt the right crowd. so i cruised around a bit and scoped the scene.

eventually i talked myself back into setting up and at 9:30am i had my a frame, little table, my chair, macrame supplies and my speakers. i walked to the spot i picked out. i was trembling. actually shaking, i was so terrified. i starting setting up, it only took a couple of minutes and then i plopped into my chair put on some music and dug my head into some macrame.

slowly, the trembling stopped. i was into the music and everything was fine, except no one was stopping. which was okay with me. it was early and i had never really sold anything this way. and then, around 11am it happened. someone stopped, a biker couple, and they bought.

they bought two bracelets and were off. then a lady came up and looked and asked if i would custom make her a bracelet. of course i would, she told me what she wanted, i told her to come back in a half hour. she came back, another couple came by and had me custom make them each a bracelet. some lady stopped and grabbed two necklaces and a bracelet. it was all just happening. and it was easy.

it felt like i was making alot of money, and i was having trouble keeping my hooks stocked becasue they were flying off the hooks, or i was making things custom. i sat there until 4pm, when things were winding down. i checked my pocket and i had $80 more than i started with. WOOT! in total, i sold 3 necklaces and 11 bracelets.

fnb also came around 2pm so after i had packed up i had nothing to do. i wasnt hungry, i didnt want to sit in the park or make more macrame, it was too early to start wasting away at the bar, so i just sat and stared into space.

and that is what this trip is all about, this self described "life journey." i dont want to have to sit and wonder what to do, i want to just be content sitting and not feel like i need to plot some future action. alternately i want to just know what i want. i never have. i have always just been open to what comes and appreciative of that. i want to want something.


At June 8, 2009 at 5:31 PM , Blogger emily said...

you're a self-employed small businessman! way to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. or in your case, by your new balance velcro-straps..


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